Paroles de 'A Dreamer Betrayed' par CounterParts

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A Dreamer Betrayed est une chanson de CounterParts dont les paroles ont été innombrablement recherchées, c'est pourquoi nous avons décidé qu'elle méritait sa place sur ce site web, avec beaucoup d'autres paroles de chansons que les internautes souhaitent connaître.

Si vous avez longtemps cherché les paroles de la chanson A Dreamer Betrayed de CounterParts, commencez à échauffer votre voix, car vous ne pourrez pas arrêter de la chanter.

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I - Introduction / Prayer

"Now the inevitable transformations of darkness into light become absolute! There was a faithful one who never left his cell. No one is praying now"

II - Questions

Do you know who we are? Yes, I know who you are. Many times has passed.
Since yesterday, do you remember? I'm sure you remember!
These days are blessed.

Watch the T.V. screen and see, will it be alright?
Force of nature - tragedy!
Future still a mystery! Yes- the sky surrounds a mystery!

Tell me if we are in hell, If Satan got all the reigns and tried to give him.
Just an act of pray and he offered all the realms in the world
Will we refuse if we had been there? Yeah, but we are no saints!
We are just dreamers and we were betrayed!

Learning how to survive, nothing sacred in life, blessed days are gone...
Evil forces watching we surrender! Without forces, now surrender!
Cursed day is done!

As graceful as a bird in flight, movement is life!
But death's whisper is always close at hand, in my light,
Fading out, out of my sight!

Tell me if we are in hell, if Satan got all the reigns and tried to give him.
Just an act of pray - and he offered all the realms in the world
There's nothing so poisoned than a mind so pure,
If this mind belongs to a dreamer betrayed.

...And million lights fade out from the skies, Gods of wrath!
All the rotten creatures rising
... And million nightmares getting life from the minds, from the dark
The dream is over!

Taken by force of spirits of evil please let us try to live our lives.
God, now we pray, hear the voice of your crowd
And give a sense to our hearts and minds.

Satan commands in the earth and around, while the children still fading out,
Again so many questions waiting an answer, the silence and evil have made us insane!

III - Spiritum

("Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and he said to him? 'All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.'" - Matthew 4:8,9)

IV - Faith's Rebirth

Deep below it was the soulless watcher whose ancient duty it had once been to guard it against evil, we had awakened, we had seen.

Deep below it was the soulless watcher whose ancient duty it had once been to guard it against evil, in the dark below...

We had awakened - We had seen - We had responded - We had found an answer in the dark below!

Looking out our whole life, oblivion is eternal… what comes after?
I know - death is the beginning! Suffering exists by a meaning!
And after all maybe we're dreaming! While life keeps betraying!

Tell me if we are in hell, if Satan got all the reigns and tried to give him.
Just an act of pray and he offered all the realms in the world.
We were betrayed once again, with no chance to revenge, now shut up and learn
Who is the authority here!

Never know all the answers, we still ask 'so what?' everyday,
Our life's cursed since the birth, we never find a way...
And a new day is coming, changing all that I said, but you'll always remember You're a dreamer betrayed!

La raison la plus courante de vouloir connaître les paroles de A Dreamer Betrayed est que vous l'aimez beaucoup. Évident, n'est-ce pas ?

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Si votre motivation pour avoir recherché les paroles de la chanson A Dreamer Betrayed était que vous l'adorez, nous espérons que vous pourrez profiter de la chanter.

Dans le cas où votre recherche des paroles de la chanson A Dreamer Betrayed de CounterParts est parce qu'elle vous fait penser à quelqu'un en particulier, nous vous proposons de la lui dédier d'une manière ou d'une autre, par exemple en lui envoyant le lien de ce site web, il comprendra sûrement l'allusion.

Ce qui arrive plus souvent que nous le pensons est que les gens recherchent les paroles de A Dreamer Betrayed parce qu'il y a un mot dans la chanson qu'ils ne comprennent pas bien et veulent s'assurer de ce qu'il dit.

Apprenez les paroles des chansons que vous aimez, comme A Dreamer Betrayed de CounterParts, que ce soit pour les chanter sous la douche, faire vos propres covers, les dédier à quelqu'un ou gagner un pari.

Rappelez-vous que lorsque vous avez besoin de connaître les paroles d'une chanson, vous pouvez toujours compter sur nous, comme cela vient de se produire avec les paroles de la chanson A Dreamer Betrayed de CounterParts.