Aimes-tu les chansons de Clifford T. Ward ? Ici, tu trouveras les paroles des chansons de Clifford T. Ward pour que tu puisses les chanter à tue-tête, les adapter à ta façon ou simplement comprendre leur vrai sens.
Nous avons compilé toutes les paroles des chansons de Clifford T. Ward que nous avons pu trouver pour que ceux qui, comme toi, cherchent des chansons de Clifford T. Ward, les trouvent regroupées en un seul endroit.
Trouve ici les paroles de tes chansons préférées de Clifford T. Ward.
Vois-tu la chanson que tu aimes dans cette liste de chansons de Clifford T. Ward ?
- Gaye
- A Day To Myself
- A Dream
- A Sad Affair
- A Sad Cliché
- A Song For Susan
- All Modern Conveniences
- All That Glitters Is Not Gold
- Always Think About You
- Another Radio Station
- Antecipation
- April
- Are You Really Interested ?
- Attraction
- Avenue Dreams
- Before The World Was Round
- Birmingham
- Both Of Us
- Campers In The Night
- Carrie
- Cellophane
- Change Of Heart
- Circus Girl
- Climate Of Her Favour
- Coathanger
- Cold Wind Blowing
- Computer
- Contrary
- Convertible
- Cricket
- Crisis
- Detriment
- Discernible
- Easy, Baby
- End Of Time Tonight
- Escalator
- Evening
- Everything Goes Out The Window
- Fast Sinking
- For Debbie And Her Friends
- For Emily
- Gandalf
- Gentle
- Give Me One More Chance
- God Help Me
- Got To Get Into Your Way Of Life
- Heaven
- Heaven Lend a Hand
- Here's Till Then
- Home
- Home Thoughts From Abroad
- I Don't Understand Your Logic
- I Got Lost Tonight
- I'd Like To Take You Out Tonight
- If I Had Known
- It's a Nice Day
- It's Better To Believe
- It's Such a Pity
- Jackdaw
- Jayne From Andromeda Spiral
- Jenny
- Jesus Of Long Ago
- Jig-saw Girl
- Julia
- Lady With The Book In Her Hand
- Last Train Tonight
- Laugh It Off
- Leader
- Learning My Part
- Leaving
- Let's Be Fools Again
- Like An Old Song
- Losin' After All (nothin' New)
- Lost Again
- Lost In The Flow Of Your Love
- Love In The Song
- Lullaby
- Mad About You
- Marble Arch
- Marron's Glance
- Maybe I'm Right
- Messenger
- Miner
- Moonlight
- Mr. Bilbo Baggins
- My Goddess
- My My What a Day
- Naughty Boy
- New England Days
- New English Bible
- Next To You
- Nightingale
- No More Rock 'n' Roll
- Not To Mention Her Smile
- Not Waving, Drowning
- Nothing New
- Ocean Of Love
- Prams
- Quiz Show
- Rayne
- Realisation
- Reckless
- Sal
- Sam
- Screen Test
- Scullery
- Secretary
- Session Singer
- Sidetracked
- Snakes And Ladders
- Some Uncertainty
- Somebody Stole My Woman
- Somehow
- Someone I Know
- Sometime Next Year
- Still Not Free
- Summer Solstice
- Sunshine Girl
- Sweetness And Light
- Sylvie
- Sympathy
- Taking The Long Way Round
- Tea Cosy
- That's The Way Our Love Goes
- The Best Is Yet To Come
- The Cause Is Good
- The Dancer
- The Dubious Circus Company
- The Gloria Bosom Show
- The Mule
- The Open University
- The Session Singer
- The Traveller
- The Way Of Love
- There's No Such Thing
- They Must Think Me a Fool
- Thinking About You
- Thinking Of Something To do
- This Is The Stuff (stuck In The Lift)
- This Was Our Love
- Time The Magician
- To An Air Hostess
- Today In Parliament
- Tomorrow Night
- Trespass
- Trousers
- Turbo
- Twenty Minutes
- Unmarried Mother
- Up In The World
- User Friendly
- Wait a Minute You Fool
- Waiting For The Garda
- Watchin' The Tv News
- Water
- Water-Wheel
- WayWard
- We Could Be Talking
- Weather
- When I Found You
- Where do Angels Really Come From ?
- Where Would That Leave Me?
- Where's It Going To End?
- Wherewithal
- Who Cares
- Witches And Ghosts
- Yesterday In Parliament
- You Knock When You Should Come In
- You're No Angel
Clifford Thomas Ward, né le 10 février 1944 à Stourport-on-Severn et mort le 18 décembre 2001 à Tenbury Wells d'une pneumonie, est un auteur-compositeur-interprète britannique.
Il se peut que tu ne sois pas un grand fan de Clifford T. Ward, peut-être es-tu ici pour une seule chanson de Clifford T. Ward que tu aimes, mais jette un œil au reste, tu pourrais être surpris.
Pour découvrir les motifs des chansons de Clifford T. Ward, il te suffit de lire attentivement les paroles de leurs chansons, et de faire attention non seulement à ce qu'elles disent, mais aussi à la façon dont elles sont construites.
Parfois, les chansons de Clifford T. Ward nous aident à exprimer ce que nous pensons ou ressentons. Est-ce ton cas ?