Vois-tu la chanson que tu aimes dans cette liste de chansons de Clannad ?
- I Will Find You
- An tOilean Ur
- A Bridge Of Tears
- A Bridge That Carries Us Over
- A Celtic Dream
- A Dream in the Night
- A Gentle Place
- A Mhuirnín Ó
- A Neansaí 'Mhíle Grá
- A Song In Your Heart
- Alasdair MacColla
- Almost Seems (Too Late To Turn)
- An Bealach Seo 'ta Romham
- An Buinneán Buí
- An Gabhar Ban (The White Goat)
- An GioBog
- An Gleann
- An Mhaighdean Mhara
- An Phairc
- An tull
- Anam
- Ancient Forest
- Ar a Ghabhail 'n a 'Chuain Damh
- Atlantic Realm
- Autumn Leaves Are Falling
- Bacach Shile Andai
- Banba Oir
- Battles
- Bhean a Ti
- Blackstairs
- Both Sides Now
- Brave Enough
- Brian Boru's March
- Bridge, A (That Carries Us Over)
- Broken Pieces
- Bruach Na Carriage Báine
- Buachaill an Eirne
- Buireadh An Phosta
- Bunan Bui
- By Chance it Was
- Caide Sin Do'n Te Sin
- Caislean Oir
- Child of the Sea
- Chuaigh Me Na Rosann
- Cití na gCumann
- Closer to Your Heart
- Coinleach Ghlas An Fhomhair
- Court To Love
- Crann Ull
- Croí Cróga
- Cruiscin Lan
- Cruscim Lan
- Cucanandy
- Cucanandy / The Jug Of Brown Ale
- Cumha Eoghain Rua Uí Néill
- Darkmere
- Dealramh Go Deo
- Dheanainn Sugradh
- Dobhar
- Down By The Sally Gardens
- Dream in the Night, A
- Drifting
- dTigeas a Damhsa
- Dulaman
- Eirigh 'S Cuir Ort do Chuid Éadaigh
- Eirigh Is Cuir Ort do Chuid Eadaigh Coiriu
- Eirigh Suas a Stoirin
- Eleanor Plunkett
- Fadó
- Fairies Hornpipe Off To California
- Fairly Shot of Her
- Farewell Love
- Fonn Mhárta
- Forces Of Nature
- From Your Heart
- Gaoth Barra Na dTonn
- Gathering Mushrooms
- Green Fields of Gaothdobhair
- Harry's Game
- Harry's Game translation
- Harvest Home
- Herne
- Hourglass
- Hymn (To Her Love)
- I See Red
- In a Life Time (feat. Bono)
- In A Lifetime
- In Flight
- In Fortune's Hand
- In Search Of A Heart
- Indoor
- Journey's End
- Kage Futatsu
- Kayama
- Komorebi
- Lá Breá Fán Dtuath
- Lá Coimhthíoch Fán dTuath (A Strange Day in the Countryside)
- Lady Marian
- Lámh ar Lámh
- Last Rose of Summer, The
- Let Me See
- Lish Young Buy-A-Broom
- Live and Learn
- Liza
- Loch Na Caillí
- Love and Affection
- Many Roads
- Mhaire Bruineall
- Mheall Si Lena Glorthai Me
- Mhorag 'S Na Horo Gheallaidh
- Mo Mhaire
- Morning Dew
- Moving Thru
- Mrs. McDermott
- Mystery Game
- Na Buachailli Alainn
- Na Laethe Bhi
- Neansai Mhile Gra
- Newgrange
- Ní Lá Gaoithe Lá Na Scoilb?
- Níl Sé Ina Lá
- Northern Skyline
- Now is Here
- Ocean of Light
- OF This Land
- Passing Time
- Planxty Browne
- Planxty Burke
- Predator
- Primeval Sun
- Ri Na Cruine
- Ri Na Cruinne
- Rince Briotánach
- Rince Philib A'Cheoil
- Robin (The Hooded Man)
- Samain Night
- Scarlet Inside
- Seachran Charn tSiaill
- Seanchas
- Second Nature
- Setanta
- Signs of Life
- Siobhan Ni Dhaibhir
- Sirius
- Siuil a Run
- Skellig
- Something To Believe In
- Song For Ireland
- Soul Searcher
- Stepping Stone
- Strange Land
- Strayed Away
- Struggle
- Sunset Dreams
- Ta Me Mo Shui
- Teidhir Abhaile Riu
- The Berbers
- The Fairy Queen
- The Fishing Blues
- The Galtee Hunt
- The Golden Ball
- The Hunter
- The Journey's End
- The Kirk Pride
- The Last Rose Of Summer
- The Other Side
- The Poison Glen
- The Pretty Maid
- The Wild Cry
- Theme From Harry's Game
- Theme From the Dolphin Connection
- There For You
- Thios Chois Na Tra Domh
- Thios Fa'n Chosta
- Tobair an tSaoil
- Together We
- Tower Hill
- Trail Of Tears
- TransAtlantic
- Tráthnóna Beag Aréir
- Travelling down a dirty road
- Turas Dhomsa Chon na Galldachd
- Turning Tide
- Two Sisters
- Uirchill An Chreagain
- Under Neptune's Cape
- Vellum
- Voyager
- White Fool
- Who Knows (Where The Time Goes)
- Why Worry
- Wilderness
- World Of Difference
- You're the One
Clannad est un groupe de musique traditionnelle irlandaise
Clannad est un visual novel japonais adapté en anime.
Analyser les paroles des chansons de Clannad peut être très amusant et si tu aimes composer, cela peut t'aider à trouver des formules pour créer tes propres compositions.
Nous espérons que tu aimeras ces paroles de chansons de Clannad, et qu'elles te seront utiles.
Comme toujours, nous essayons de nous améliorer et de grandir, donc si tu n'as pas trouvé les paroles des chansons de Clannad que tu cherchais, reviens bientôt, car nous mettons fréquemment à jour nos bases de données pour offrir toutes les chansons de Clannad et de nombreux autres artistes le plus rapidement possible.
Si tu as trouvé la chanson de Clannad que tu aimes dans cette liste, partage-la avec tes proches.
Parfois, les chansons de Clannad nous aident à exprimer ce que nous pensons ou ressentons. Est-ce ton cas ?