Aimes-tu les chansons de Chumbawamba ? Ici, tu trouveras les paroles des chansons de Chumbawamba pour que tu puisses les chanter à tue-tête, les adapter à ta façon ou simplement comprendre leur vrai sens.
Trouve ici les paroles de tes chansons préférées de Chumbawamba.
Ici, tu pourras savoir quelles sont les chansons de Chumbawamba les plus recherchées.
- Tubthumping
- I Get Knocked Down
- Insectkind
- The Good Ship Lifestyle
- A Fairy Tale (Real No-shit)
- A Lament To The Best
- A Man Walks Into A Bar
- A Morality Play
- A Regular Guy
- Act With Mother
- Add me
- Adversity
- After Shelley
- Ah-men
- All In Vain
- All Mixed Up
- All The King's Men
- All's Well At Oakwell
- Always Tell The Voter What The Voter Wants To Hear
- Amereicha
- Amnesia
- An Interlude - Beginning to Take it Back
- An psalm
- And In A Nutshell
- Ashes To Ashes
- Asleep
- Australian Rules Football
- Awake
- Awesome Wheels
- Babbernation
- Bad Dog
- Barry John
- Because I'm a He
- Behave!
- Bella Ciao
- Benefits Of The Game
- Big Mouth Strikes Again
- Bing Oh!
- Bob Beamon
- British Colonialism and the BBC
- Catastrophe Reality
- Celebration, Florida
- Colliers March
- Come On Baby (Let's do The Revolution)
- Comic-tragic-magic
- Commercial Break
- Creepy Crawling
- Dad's Mascot
- Dance, Idiot, Dance
- Declaring Peace
- Desmond
- Desmond Lynam's Sports Trivia
- Disabled Sports
- Disagreement
- Does God Go To The Toilet?
- Don't Pass Go
- Don't Try This At Home
- Drip, Drip, Drip
- Drugs
- Dumbing Down
- Dutiful Servants and Political Masters
- Education (Part I)
- Education (Part II)
- Enough Is Enough (Kick It Over)
- Ever Heard The One About The Pacemaker?
- Fade Away (I Don't Want To)
- Fight the Alton Bill!
- Fitzwilliam
- Flesh And Blood And Feelings
- For Those Of You Watching In Black And White
- Geoff Hurst's Goal
- Georgina
- Give The Anarchist A Cigarette
- Good Afternoon and Welcome to White Hart Lane
- Graham Hill
- Groundhopping
- Hammer Stirrup & Anvil
- Hanging On The Old Barbed Wire
- Happiness Is Just a Chant Away
- Heaven/Hell
- Her Majesty
- Here's To The Rest Of Your Life
- Hey Hey We're The Junkies
- Heysel Stadium
- Hmmm...
- Home With Me
- Homophobia
- Horses For Courses
- House Plants
- How Dare They Call It Football?
- How To Get Your Band On Television
- Hull or Hell
- Hurling And Imperialism
- I Want More
- I'm Coming Out
- I'm In Trouble Again
- I'm Not Sorry I Was Having Fun
- I'm Thick
- I'm With Stupid
- If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me
- In The Thick Of It
- Indoor League
- Introduction
- Invasion
- Irish joke
- Isn't It Horrible?
- Isolation
- It's a Man's Game
- Jack Horner
- Jacob's ladder
- Jacob's Ladder (not In My Name)
- Jesus in Vegas
- Jimmy Hill
- Jingle Smells
- K-2 (Indian restaurant)
- Karl Marx Never Made The Squad
- Kinnochio
- Knickers
- Knit Your Own Balaclava
- Ladies For Compassionate Lynching
- Lay People
- Leather On Willow, Etc.
- Lester Piggot, Cell Block No. 9
- Let It Be
- Liberation
- Lie Lie Lie Lie
- Look! No Strings!
- Love Me
- Lying In The Dirt
- Man Papers His Crack
- Martini People
- Mary Mary
- May Day
- Memories of Shilts
- Michaelangelo
- Mick Mcmanus' Haircut
- Missed
- More Whitewashing
- Moses With a Gun
- Mountain Biking
- Mouthful of shit
- Mr. Heseltine Meets His Public
- Nadzeroon El Babo
- Naming Names
- Never do What You Are Told
- New York Mining Disaster 1941
- New York Song
- Not The Girl I Used To Be
- Nothing That's New
- On Ebay
- One By One
- One Under Par
- One Way Or The Other
- One Way System
- Orienteering
- Outfoxed
- Outsider
- P.E.
- Pass It Along
- Pickle
- Pop Star Kidnap
- Puccini Said
- Punch Drunk
- Rad Dog
- Ratatatay
- Remembrance Day
- Rich Popstars Make Good Socialists
- Rip It Up
- Running Order
- Salt Fare North Sea
- Saying No
- Scapegoat
- Scare City
- School Team
- Seoul Music
- Seven Days
- Sewing Up Crap
- Shake Baby Shake
- She's Got All The Friends
- She's Got All The Friends That Money Can Buy
- Shhh
- Shock! Horror!
- Shoot
- Shot
- Singing Out The Days
- Smalltown
- Smart Bomb
- Smash Clause 28!
- Snip Snip Snip
- Social Dogma
- Somebody Else
- Sometimes Plunder
- Song for Len Shakleton
- Spassky Fischer
- Sports
- Stagnation
- Stitch That!
- Studmarks On The Summits
- Sugar Daddy
- Sunday League Footy
- Tearing Up Zoo
- That Same So-so Tune
- That's How Grateful We Are
- The Ballad Of Peoplekind
- The Big Issue
- The Bull Fights Back
- The Candidates Find Common Ground
- The Choice Is Yours
- The Devil's Interval
- The Diggers Song
- The Health And Happiness Show
- The Incompatibility Of Sport And Cosmic Consciousness
- The Physical Impossibility Of Death In The Mind Of Jerry
- The Police Have Been Wonderful
- The Rise And Fall And Rise Of Greavsie
- The Song Collector
- The Standing Still
- The Tree Of Knowledge
- The Triumph Of General Ludd
- The Wasteland
- This Year's Thing
- Thorn-EMI Lighting
- Three Years Later
- Timebomb
- Times Of Crisis
- Today's Sermon
- Tony Blair
- Top Of The World
- Torturing James Hetfield
- Underground
- Unilever
- Voices, That's All
- Wagner At The Opera
- Walking Into Battle With The Lord
- We Support All Forms Of Resistance Against This Racist System (Part II)
- We Want Beans Not Goals
- When an Old Man Dies
- When I'm Bad
- Where Did The Chinaman Go?
- Whilst Stocks Last
- Without Reason Or Rhyme
- Words Can Save Us
- Wormkind
- WWW dot
- You Can't Trust Anyone Nowadays
- You Don't Exist
- Younger Moralists
- Yup And Under
- Zola Budd
Chumbawamba est un groupe de punk rock britannique, originaire de Burnley, Lancashire, en Angleterre. Il est rendu célèbre en 1997 à la suite de la sortie du single Tubthumping. Originaires pour la plupart d'entre eux de Burnley, les membres de Chumbawamba se rencontrèrent aux alentours de 1979 /1980 dans les différents concerts punk de l'époque ou bien à l'université. En plus de 25 ans, Chumbawamba sort de nombreux albums souvent très différents des uns aux autres. Fortement engagé sur les questions de société, ils sont toujours restés fidèles à une idéologie marquée très à gauche, dans un esprit anarcho-punk.
L'album le plus célèbre de Chumbawamba reste Tubthumper, sorti en 1997 sur le label EMI et condamné par beaucoup en raison de la concession faite aux grosses maisons de disques, cependant il a permis à de nombreuses personnes de découvrir Chumbawamba. À noter le pressage américain propose une pochette légèrement différente et sans le livret initial qui reprend de nombreuses citations d'auteurs et activistes. Le groupe annonce sa séparation le 3 novembre 2012 après ses trois concerts à Leeds, Berlin et Oslo.
Nous te recommandons de visiter toutes les paroles des chansons de Chumbawamba, tu pourrais tomber amoureux de certaines que tu ne connaissais pas encore.
Il arrive souvent que lorsque tu aimes une chanson d'un groupe ou d'un artiste en particulier, tu aimes aussi d'autres de leurs chansons. Donc, si tu aimes une chanson de Chumbawamba, il est probable que tu aimes beaucoup d'autres chansons de Chumbawamba.
Nous espérons que tu aimeras ces paroles de chansons de Chumbawamba, et qu'elles te seront utiles.