Paroles de 'The Big Man' par Chubb Rock

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de The Big Man de Chubb Rock ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

Sur notre site web, nous avons les paroles complètes de la chanson The Big Man que vous recherchiez.

The Big Man est une chanson de Chubb Rock dont les paroles ont été innombrablement recherchées, c'est pourquoi nous avons décidé qu'elle méritait sa place sur ce site web, avec beaucoup d'autres paroles de chansons que les internautes souhaitent connaître.

Vous adorez la chanson The Big Man ? Vous ne comprenez pas tout à fait ce qu'elle dit ? Besoin des paroles de The Big Man de Chubb Rock ? Vous êtes au lieu qui a les réponses à vos désirs.

[verse one]
The bigger of the biggest made a hitlist
Not a lot of people, but a sequel, so witness
The evolution of a seed planted four years ago
And now the offspring today is the new thing
The people wanna jock but if they won't here's a quote:
Jealousy has arisen but don't - sweat it
And in this particular case - don't let it
Hold you back from pledging allegiance to this
And your girl wants a kiss but i have my own miss
On my side til the skeezer in me died
Like the (?) to the john, the crosby to the bing
The dave is to the benny and the big man is ready
To take a stand for all big man-kind
And i'm gonna succeed with the rhyme
So potent that a consultant said that rappin rodents
Have two-thirds of my intelligence quotient and knowin
Just that, secures me from all the muskrats
And my degree tells me i don't must rap
But the fans of hundreds of grands know i slam
Love the jams of the big man - chorus!
"a big man!" (repeat 4x)
{uhh his lyrics are.. so extrordinary..}
[verse two]
The big man on the campus want people to chant this
And i mean this; if i have to i will get fiendish
And you will be the main course of a mean dish:
Scrub - sucker a la chubb
The plate will be a test or your test of fate
To see if you have any kind of heart, you fart
I'm a soloist and knowin this you better grow an extra fist
I'm not razor ruddock but you'll land on your buttock
Back up move, you're dealin with a rudebwoy
Raggamuffin with a funky somp'in
Listen - chubb is the one on a respect mission
Ignorin all that bs you're dishin
Out cause the man with the clout came forth
To show who's the boss lyrical force
(?) monarch to spark the plan
For the chubb's the big man - chorus!
"a big man!" (repeat 4x)
{well i don't think that.. my lyrics are..
That extrordinary but uhh..
I do think that me and howie do have a..
Diverse style of music..}
[verse three]
The bigger man used to be a trigger man
Bang was the slang for the one man gang
But now with a plan with a few called the a.t.e.e.m.
Diggidy and the swinga will paint the whole scene
Paint the background first, that means we rehearse
Exercise cardiovascular - and then the thirst
Will be quenched - the throats will be drenched
With the finest wines when we dine
Cause 1989 was an okay year
I mean i lived through it - in 1990 i'm gonna do it
Climb the mountain of the hits
Put a #1 joint at the tip if it fits
And if it is a size too small, yes y'all
A new creation for the nation cause i'm here for the duration
Like the pilgrim village when they claimed this land
Gave birth to the big man - chorus!
{chubb rock is definitely coming out
With a different style this year.. he's..}
"a big man!" (repeat 8x)

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