Nous avons compilé toutes les paroles des chansons de Chaka Khan que nous avons pu trouver pour que ceux qui, comme toi, cherchent des chansons de Chaka Khan, les trouvent regroupées en un seul endroit.
Ici, tu pourras savoir quelles sont les chansons de Chaka Khan les plus recherchées.
- Ain't Nobody
- I'm Every Woman
- I Feel For You
- Through The Fire
- Stronger Than Before
- And The Melody Still Lingers On (Night In Tunisia)
- Somebody Else's Guy
- Tell Me Something Good
- A Woman in a Man's World
- Ain't No Mountain High Enough
- Ain't Nothin' But a Maybe
- Ain't That Peculiar
- All For All Time
- All Night's All Right
- All of Me
- All Of Me (alternate take)
- Angel
- Any Love
- Any Old Sunday
- At Midnight (My Love Will Lift You Up)
- Baby Me
- Be Bop Medley
- Be My Eyes
- Best in the West
- Best of Your Heart
- Betcha
- Betcha I
- Better Days
- Better Together
- Blue Love
- Body Heat
- Caught in the Act
- Change Your Ways
- Chinatown
- Circles
- Close the Door
- Clouds
- Coltrane Dreams
- Come 2 My House
- Dance Wit Me
- Democrazy
- Destiny
- Disrespectful
- Do You Hear What I Hear?
- Do You Love What You Feel
- Don't Go to Strangers
- Don't Look At Me That Way
- Don't Talk 2 Strangers
- Earth Song
- Earth to Mickey
- Egyptian Song
- Eternity
- Everlasting Love
- Every Little Thing
- Everybody Has An Aura
- Everything Changes
- Everywhere
- Eye to Eye
- Facts of Love
- Fate
- Father He Said
- Feel Good
- Fool's Paradise
- Get Ready, Get Set
- Give Me All
- Got To Be There
- Hair
- Half Moon
- Haulin' Coal
- Have a Good Time
- Have A Little Faith In Me
- Heaven Bound
- Heed the Warning
- Hello Happiness
- Hey Big Spender
- High Wire - the Aerialist
- Highlight
- Hold Her
- Hollywood
- I Can't Be Loved
- I Feel For You (featuring rap by Grandmaster Melle Mel)
- I Finally Found You
- I Got the Right Street (But the Wrong Direction)
- I Hear Music
- I Know You, I Live You
- I Love You Porgy
- I Mean You
- I Remember You
- I Want
- I Was Made to Love Him
- I'll Be Around
- I'll Never B Another Fool
- I'm a Woman (I'm a Backbone)
- I'm Dancing For Your Love
- In Love We Grow
- It's My Party
- It's You
- Jigsaw
- Jive Talkin'
- Journey 2 the Center of Your Heart
- Keep Givin' Me Lovin'
- Keep It Coming
- Keep Your Head Up
- La Flamme
- Life Is a Dance
- Like Sugar
- Lilah
- Little Boy Blue
- Live in Me
- Look Through My Eyes
- Losers in Love
- Love Has Fallen On Me
- Love Me Still
- Love Of a Lifetime
- Love With no Strings
- Love You All My Lifetime
- Magic in Your Eyes
- Make It Last
- Masterjam
- Maybe Your Baby
- Medley: Love The One You're With/ Sit Yourself Down
- Medley: Love The One You're With/Sit Yourself Down
- Move Me no Mountain
- Music Man
- Music Man (The D.J. Song)
- My Destiny
- My Funny Valentine
- My Love Is Alive
- Never Miss The Water
- Night Moods
- No See, No Cry
- Nothing's Gonna Take You Away
- Once You Get Started
- One Million Kisses
- Ooh I Like Your Loving
- Our Love's in Danger
- Own The Night
- Pack'd My Bags
- Papillon (Aka Hot Butterfly)
- Pass It On (A Sure Thing) (Pasa Lo Esta Seguro)
- Please Pardon Me (You Remind Me of a Friend)
- Pop My Clutch
- Qaundary
- Reconsider
- Reconsider (U Betta)
- Right Is Right
- Roll Me Through the Rushes
- Satisfied
- Secret Friend
- Sharing the Love
- Shining Star
- Sign O' The Times
- Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours)
- Sleep On It
- Slip N' Slide
- Slow Dancin' (Featuring Rick James)
- Smokin' Room
- So Close
- So Naughty
- So Not to Worry
- Some Love
- Somebody's Watching You
- Somethin' Deep
- Soul Talkin'
- Soul Talkin' (Featuring Bobby Mcferrin)
- Spoon
- Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most
- Stay
- Sticky Wicked
- Stop On By
- Stranger to Love
- Street Player
- Sweet Thing
- Swing Down Chariot
- Take the A-train
- Tearin' It Up
- Telephone
- Tell Me Something Good (Live)
- The Christmas Song
- The Drama
- The End of a Love Affair
- The End of a Love Affair (Featuring George Benson)
- The Message in the Middle of the Bottom
- The Other Side of the World
- The Star-Spangled Banner
- The Woman I Am
- Them There Eyes
- There's No Tellin'
- This Crazy Life of Mine
- This Is My Night
- This Time
- Tight Fit
- To Sir With Love
- Too Much Love
- True Love
- Try a Little Understanding
- Turn
- Twisted
- Until You Come Back To Me
- Walk the Rockway
- Walkin' in the Sun
- Watching the World
- We Can Work It Out
- We Got Each Other
- We Got the Love (Featuring George Benson)
- What Am I Missing?
- What Cha' Gonna Do For Me
- What You Did
- What'S Going On
- Where Are You Tonight
- Who do You Love
- Who's It Gonna Be
- Whoever's Thrilling You (Is Killing Me)
- You Can Make the Story Right
- You Got the Love
- Your Love Is All I Know
- Your Smile
Yvette Marie Stevens, connue sous le nom de Chaka Khan est une chanteuse américaine née le 23 mars 1953 à Chicago, dans l'Illinois (États-Unis), dans le district de South Side. Les chansons I'm Every Woman et Ain't Nobody (avec son groupe Rufus) ainsi que sa reprise de Prince I Feel for You comptent parmi ses plus grands succès. La chanteuse a reçu tout au long de sa carrière de nombreuses récompenses, notamment huit Grammy Awards. Elle a exploré des genres aussi divers que la soul, le funk, le disco, le jazz, le hip-hop, le blues, la pop et même le rock progressif avec Rick Wakeman ou les standards du Great American Songbook.
Nous te recommandons de visiter toutes les paroles des chansons de Chaka Khan, tu pourrais tomber amoureux de certaines que tu ne connaissais pas encore.
Il arrive souvent que lorsque tu aimes une chanson d'un groupe ou d'un artiste en particulier, tu aimes aussi d'autres de leurs chansons. Donc, si tu aimes une chanson de Chaka Khan, il est probable que tu aimes beaucoup d'autres chansons de Chaka Khan.
Les paroles des chansons de Chaka Khan suivent souvent certains motifs que tu peux découvrir en y prêtant attention. Es-tu prêt à voir lesquels ?
Pour découvrir les motifs des chansons de Chaka Khan, il te suffit de lire attentivement les paroles de leurs chansons, et de faire attention non seulement à ce qu'elles disent, mais aussi à la façon dont elles sont construites.