Paroles de 'Woke Up In The Morning' par Carl Thomas

Woke up in the morning, you were not there
All I seen was an imprint of your head
In my pillow, weeping willow
Why'd I treat you so bad
I shoulda known one day that you'd be gone
You shoulda known one day that I'd be gone
You shoulda known one day that we'd be

Why did you have to be this way
Baby all you had to say
Was that you were sick and tired of the man I began to be
But you planned a great escape
Bright and early before I wake
We both knew we had to break
You coulda chose a better way

Woke up in the morning, you were not there
All I seen was an imprint of your head
In my pillow, weeping willow
Why'd I treat you so bad
I shoulda known one day that you'd be gone
You shoulda known one day that I'd be gone
You shoulda known one day that we'd be

It was cold the way you left
Still the pain is in my chest
Because in my heart I felt you shoulda came and talked to me
If you put away your pride
And look deep into my eyes
It woulda been to your surprise
That I got up to apologize
But you were gone

Woke up in the morning, you were not there
All I seen was an imprint of your head
In my pillow, weeping willow
Why'd I treat you so bad
I shoulda known one day that you'd be gone
You shoulda known one day that I'd be gone
You shoulda known one day that we'd be

Woke up in the morning, you were not there
All I seen was an imprint of your head
In my pillow, weeping willow
Why'd I treat you so bad
I shoulda known one day that you'd be gone
You shoulda known one day that I'd be gone
You shoulda known one day that we'd be

Oh I thought we had forever, now it's gone
It's time to carry on
I thought that you made me happy
But it's this thing that's come between us girl
At one time you were my world
Now it seems it's gone away, gone away

Woke up in the morning, you were not there
All I seen was an imprint of your head
In my pillow, weeping willow
Why'd I treat you so bad
I shoulda known one day that you'd be gone
You shoulda known one day that I'd be gone
You shoulda known one day that we'd be

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