Paroles de 'Talking To The Wind' par Brave As Titan

While romance oozes from your shell
You close yourself for another hot day in l a
It's 45 degrees and we find ourselves burning with all
The letters and promises of better days.
Dipped in broken glass
Don't you realize that this breath could be the last.

Walking like ghosts on the spit sun of your love
Better shut your prayers
On this day of thanksgiving
Everyone can speak, everyone cares, but no,
There won't be a piece of pie for you this time,
There's never been.

You are playing hide with your fear,
Sitting pushing toy cars that collide with your faith,
You've become a ghost, haunting yourself
The dance of the coward needles that drain your blood
Is making you lose the rhythm.
Deafened by your own cries.

10 billion fucking years
Carrying the same flag unwavering in faith
What made you blind behind this door?
Replace a fake smile for a few more weeks.
Until the hearts cool for real!
For all the happy moments i will lower my voice

And i will let the wind sing
So that everyone knows
So that everyone can sleep ...

With the nails in your heart,
Evil does not want to hear the humming of our voice
Then yell at me for another quiet sunset in california
Hold tight my hand, we'll be here for you until the end
We will be the radio waves, screaming with the strenght of the wind,
All in one frequency

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