Paroles de 'Fairytales And Castles' par Blyss

Si vous avez longtemps cherché les paroles de la chanson Fairytales And Castles de Blyss, commencez à échauffer votre voix, car vous ne pourrez pas arrêter de la chanter.

He sighs and looks in the mirror
He can't tell anymore Who he really is and who they believe him to be
And he sighs and walks in a thin line
Between what is and what could be
He's getting closer To something he can't understand

Cause there's a crack in his plastic crown
And his throne of ice is melting
He climbed his ladder
And there was nothing there
And now it's a long way down

Cause on and on and on he goes
dancing on the grave
Of what he thought was still alive
On and on and on he goes
Dancing in mansions made of twigs And castles made of sand

He sighs his head is filled with
Cartoons and fairy tales
And he's trapped inside a dungeon of dolls With smiles on their faces
He's built a pretty cage
Hit shows on a beautiful stage
With candy coated prison bars And chains that look like jewelry

Cause there's a crack in his plastic crown
And his throne of ice is melting
He climbed his ladder
And there was nothing there
And now it's a long way down

Cause on and on and on he goes
dancing on the grave
Of what he thought was still alive
On and on and on he goes
Dancing in mansions made of twigs And castles made of sand

Cause he lives inside Of fairy tails and castle lands
And there's room inside For false expectations and illusions

Cause there's a crack in his plastic crown
And his throne of ice is melting
He climbed his ladder And there was nothing there
And now it's a long way down

Cause on and on and on he goes
dancing on the grave
Of what he thought was still alive
On and on and on he goes
Dancing in mansions made of twigs And castles made of sand (3x)

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