Paroles de 'I'll Take Care Of Thee' par Barbara Dickson

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George/Miners : Yorkshiremen are England's finest
England's finest that is clear.
Yorkshiremen are strong and decent
Yorkshiremen can take their beer.
Yes, we can take our beer
We'll take care of thee.
We'll take care of thee.

Young Viv : Eck, it's me dad.
Matt : Shall I introduce meself?
Young Viv : Don't be so daft, Matt, just bugger off quick.
George : Viv, lass! Who's that with you? Is it a lad?!
Young Viv (to Matt) : Bugger off!
George : How many times must I tell thee?

Yorkshire lads are mucky bastards
Dirty, mucky bastards all.
Keep your hand upon your ha'penny
Else you're riding for a fall.
You're riding for a fall
I'll take care of thee
I'll take care of thee.
I'm strong as an ox
I'm tough as old boots
I'm fitter than any lad.
They're not worth a light
There's not one around
Who'll love thee like your dad.
I'll take care of thee.

D'you know my daughter, boys? Isn't she a beauty?

Miners : Castleford girls
There's none that are finer.
Castleford girls
A sight to behold.
Castleford girls
Look after their fathers.
You're never lonely when you're old
With Castleford girls around.
Viv : The summers were longer.
The beer tasted stronger.
Those Castleford nights
Could get quite continental,
When we danced the conga.

All : Laughing, talking, dancing in the streets,
Sing songs, ding-dongs, dominoes and darts.
Front doors open wide like people's hearts.
Viv : No video
No satellite
To keep you glued
To telly all night.
Quite happy though
We lived on tick
Or is the mem'ry
Playing a trick on me?
The roads weren't congested,
The yobs got arrested.
Your children could go out and play in the street
Without being molested.
Girls : Castleford girls
Look after each other.
Castleford girls
Look after their own.
Castleford girls
Are just like a fam'ly.
You'll never have to be alone
With Castleford girls around.

Viv : I remember the time when Billy Barstow died
Killed down the mine
And ev'rybody cried.
Young apprentice he was
Weren't no more than a lad
We all had a whip round for his mam and dad.
United in sorrow as we were in joy
And ev'ry mother thought
That could be my own boy.
Oh Billy, poor Billy
Who'll take care of thee.
Who'll take care of thee now tha's gone.
George/Miners : Yorkshiremen can tell a story
Tales to make you laugh or cry.
Yorkshiremen cannot be beaten
Lancashire, we'll black your eye.
Yorkshiremen will stay in Yorkshire
Yorkie boys until we die.
George : I'll take care of thee
I'll take care of thee.
I'm solid as rock
A tower of strength.
Mother: You're drunk as a lord
You're thick as two planks.
And I'll take care of thee ...
All : Yorkshiremen are England's finest
England's finest, that is clear.
Yorkshiremen are strong and decent
Yorkshiremen can take their beer.
Yes, we can take our beer
We'll take care of thee
We'll take care of thee!

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Ce qui arrive plus souvent que nous le pensons est que les gens recherchent les paroles de I'll Take Care Of Thee parce qu'il y a un mot dans la chanson qu'ils ne comprennent pas bien et veulent s'assurer de ce qu'il dit.

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