Paroles de 'I Got That Rock N' Roll' par Austin e Ally

I got that ro-o-ock and ro-o-oll (yeah yeah)
I'll make you lo-o-se contro-o-l (yeah yeah)
C'mon and da-a-ance with my flo-o-ow (yeah yeah)

'Cause I got
What I got
Don't you know
I got that rock and roll

When I'm walking down the street
It's like a show
I got that rock and roll (yeah)
I got that rock and roll
I see you staring at me everywhere I go
I got that rock and roll
I got that rock and roll

It's a whole new level of attention
Hey girl did I mention

I got that ro-o-ock and ro-o-oll (yeah yeah)
I'll make you lo-o-ose contro-o-ol (yeah yeah)
C'mon and da-a-ance with my flo-o-ow (yeah yeah)

'Cause I got
What I got
Don't you know
I got that rock and roll

I got that ro-o-ock and ro-o-oll (yeah yeah)
I'll make you lo-o-ose contro-o-ol (yeah yeah)
C'mon and da-a-ance with my flo-o-ow (yeah yeah)

'Cause I got
What I got
Don't you know
I got that rock and roll

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Il est important de noter que Austin e Ally, lors des concerts en direct, n'a pas toujours été ou ne sera pas toujours fidèle aux paroles de la chanson I Got That Rock N' Roll... Il est donc préférable de se concentrer sur ce que dit la chanson I Got That Rock N' Roll sur le disque.

Rappelez-vous que lorsque vous avez besoin de connaître les paroles d'une chanson, vous pouvez toujours compter sur nous, comme cela vient de se produire avec les paroles de la chanson I Got That Rock N' Roll de Austin e Ally.