Paroles de 'Commitment Contradictions (feat. RoZe)' par Abstract

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de Commitment Contradictions (feat. RoZe) de Abstract ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

Commitment Contradictions (feat. RoZe) est une chanson de Abstract dont les paroles ont été innombrablement recherchées, c'est pourquoi nous avons décidé qu'elle méritait sa place sur ce site web, avec beaucoup d'autres paroles de chansons que les internautes souhaitent connaître.

Si vous avez longtemps cherché les paroles de la chanson Commitment Contradictions (feat. RoZe) de Abstract, commencez à échauffer votre voix, car vous ne pourrez pas arrêter de la chanter.

Vous adorez la chanson Commitment Contradictions (feat. RoZe) ? Vous ne comprenez pas tout à fait ce qu'elle dit ? Besoin des paroles de Commitment Contradictions (feat. RoZe) de Abstract ? Vous êtes au lieu qui a les réponses à vos désirs.

Another night slips away, in other words
I should say there are no words
You should say there are no words
Another night slips away, in other words
I should say there are no words
You should say there are no words

Like don't you know, man? Don't you know it's long gone?
Like don't you know? Like, don't you know it's all wrong?
She's all gone
And she ain't coming back
When she was needin' you, you should have been right there for that
Now she headed home (headed home)
You still all alone (all alone)
Shoulda hit her phone sooner, she ain't textin' back
Didn't have time for that (time for that)
You would choosin' rap (choosin' rap)
Made that decision, didn't listen, now you'll live with that
'Cause she was there for you
When everything was headed south
Came back and you weren't the man you used to be all about
Blinded by the lights and your teenage fantasy
Weren't living for now, you were living for how it 'bout to be
You were 'bout to live that rockstar life
She coulda been your rockstar wife
And now you sitting home all night
All because you didn't grasp what was in your sight

Another night slips away, in other words
I should say there are no words
You should say there are no words
Another night slips away, in other words
I should say there are no words
You should say there are no words

Are you happy? No, really, are you now?
Figure out all the shit that had you tripping out?
Got so ready for the lights
And then you chickened out
Said you were all about your dreams, what the hell you talkin' 'bout?
Didn't move, didn't make moves in the place you were
Weren't igniting anything, waiting for it to occur
It'd be nice, but you know that success is not an open door
Sitting at that opening, not sure who you were waiting for
Gotta bust through like you don't care what lies behind it
'Cause if you weren't lookin', you know that you won't ever find it
Listen to you
I mean, you go back and rewind it
Play your own tapes back, remember why you're fuckin' grindin'
It's to inspire youth; to inspire truth
It's to inspire make a living off of what is you
I mean, you're really givin' when you're really givin' you
So you gon' go and get it
Don't look back at what you'll lose

Another night slips away, in other words
I should say there are no words
You should say there are no words
Another night slips away, in other words
I should say there are no words
You should say there are no words
Another night slips away, in other words
I should say there are no words
You should say there are no words
Another night slips away, in other words
I should say there are no words
You should say there are no words

Sentez-vous comme une star en chantant la chanson Commitment Contradictions (feat. RoZe) de Abstract, même si votre public n'est que vos deux chats.

Ce qui arrive plus souvent que nous le pensons est que les gens recherchent les paroles de Commitment Contradictions (feat. RoZe) parce qu'il y a un mot dans la chanson qu'ils ne comprennent pas bien et veulent s'assurer de ce qu'il dit.

Vous vous disputez avec votre partenaire parce que vous comprenez des choses différentes en écoutant Commitment Contradictions (feat. RoZe) ? Avoir sous la main les paroles de la chanson Commitment Contradictions (feat. RoZe) de Abstract peut régler de nombreux différends, et nous l'espérons ainsi.

Nous espérons vous avoir aidé avec les paroles de la chanson Commitment Contradictions (feat. RoZe) de Abstract.

Rappelez-vous que lorsque vous avez besoin de connaître les paroles d'une chanson, vous pouvez toujours compter sur nous, comme cela vient de se produire avec les paroles de la chanson Commitment Contradictions (feat. RoZe) de Abstract.