Paroles de 'A Friend Like You' par Aberfeldy

Si vous avez longtemps cherché les paroles de la chanson A Friend Like You de Aberfeldy, commencez à échauffer votre voix, car vous ne pourrez pas arrêter de la chanter.

I love everyone
Everybody underneath the sun
I think you're all the most amazing fun

When I'm very high, I can't help but wonder why
You gotta be such a butterfly
Oh well, I don't mind when you land on me
I just wish you'd stop fluttering your butter..
Or what may seem...

Back when you were young
You ran around with every mother's son
I can't believe half of the things you've done

I know cause I'm the same
I threw a lot of what I was away
And I'm all confused today
And I'll take anything you hand to me,
If I don't know any better than you I will agree...

With a friend like you, baby, what would I do?
I think about it all of the time
Till we stick like glue, when it's easy to do
Or do I wait until you've made up your mind?
Can I wait until you've made up your mind?

Girl one thing I know
Until the day that you let me go
I'm gonna let my loving flow
Like wine and water out of Jesus' jug
And all that rubbish that you talk on drugs

With a friend like you, baby, what would I do?
I think about it all of the time
Till we stick like glue, when it's easy to do
Or do I wait until you've made up your mind?

With a friend like me, girl, it's easy to see
Things'll go wrong all the time
But if little by little, we could meet in the middle
I'll be yours, and baby you will be mine
And now I'll wait until you've made up your mind...

Il existe de nombreuses raisons de vouloir connaître les paroles de A Friend Like You de Aberfeldy.

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