Paroles de 'Be True To Yourself' par 2nd II None

Sur notre site web, nous avons les paroles complètes de la chanson Be True To Yourself que vous recherchiez.

Si vous avez longtemps cherché les paroles de la chanson Be True To Yourself de 2nd II None, commencez à échauffer votre voix, car vous ne pourrez pas arrêter de la chanter.

Let's take a trip on
The other side of the land
With things ain't planned
For the average man

You could be a young brother
Who's rolling
And be so good
That you hold him

Big brain, top brain
Mister Two-co who got
All the hoes

Pushing hard
To keep from being bound
'Cause there's always somebody
Trying to bring you down

Try to run a scheme
On what you got
'Cause what you got
Them niggas jot

Women love it
And brothers hate it
They just can't stand
To see you make it

A girl can be
Your main downfall
She don't take half
The hoe takes all

Now check to see
How your cards are dealt
And stay true to yourself

Keep cool, little girl
You got what you deserve
Don't copycat when
A rich hoe's splurge

'Cause you know
You might break yourself
Trying to keep up
With somebody else

Waiting for the mailman
To bring you a check
Money all gone
Now you're a wreck

Taking your friends out
For a big feast
You wanna treat and
You don't even eat

Looking all stupid
With a messed up grin
Trying to be nice
So you can fit in

Couldn't get your hair done
Now you're unhappy
'Cause your head all nappy

And it's a shame
You ain't got no money
Girl, that shit ain't funny

No friends to cope
You're dope
Should been true to yourself

Mom always told me
There'd be days like this
On top of all of this bullshit

Never, ever let
A young girl make you
Let alone, a hoe break you

Being strong in the mind
Will make you a true
And make you jack no money
Make them jack you

Yo, K, come express how you feel
Show 'em how to be real

True, open your eyes and look
The best friend might be the crook
You solved the case but you
Still winded up saying nothing

Yet, that's your best friend
Till the end
Now he in trouble
Where's the friend

He left with a hoe
And you're stuck
Outta luck, nobody else helps
You should been true to yourself

Yeah, this shit goes out
To all them people
Ain't true to theyself

Running up behind somebody else
Following in they shadow
Get on your own shit, fools
Stay out the next man nuts

We out

Quand on aime vraiment une chanson, comme cela pourrait être votre cas avec Be True To Yourself de 2nd II None, on souhaite pouvoir la chanter en connaissant bien les paroles.

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