Paroles de ' The Best ' par 2 Skinnee J's

Vous voulez connaître les paroles de The Best de 2 Skinnee J's ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

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Call me Special,
stickman stencil,
thin like pencil
I've got a thumb so I can pick up and use them utensils
My credential, I'm prehensile
And I may be standing still now,
but my energy has potential

We explode like the hedgehog,
We're dooma to the goombas
when we jump up Marionically
It's immaterial,
cause I'm ethereal
Some day my face will be seen on a box of cereal

I ride with the pride of the lion on my mane
But you can only know me as I exist upon this plane
All the same,
what's my name?
You must be joking
upon pain of death
can my true name be spoken

In the morning
I storm in and swarm without warning
Shift shape and rise like the Phoenix from the flame I reigncollosal,
fueled like fossil
Doing the impossible,
raising dead
as I spread
the gospel Of the skinnee
to the many it's a J day
Your whack attackers
lack it so just pack it
like a K-way
J's intended to be splendid
when we send it Rip shit up
and then we mend it

Ain't no body, does it better,
ain't no body, does it better,
then J!

Ain't no body, does it better,
ain't no body, does it better,
then J!

A Word to the skeptics and the cynical
We're the ones who taught Him how to make a miracle
Before you make a scene say we blaspheme,
cut the fuss Take a look at the good book,
that was us
From the top of the zenith,
we're the pinnacle For the squeamish
any skirmish is unwinnable
As we travel like Odysseus throughout the universe
Alerting we be certain
that we're converting earth first

Ain't no body, does it better,
ain't no body, does it better,
then J!

Ain't no body, does it better,
ain't no body, does it better,
then J!

Power, might, glory, omnipotence
With my hands behind my back
I still control all of the elements
We're heaven sent
so we rule all creation
All that's evil
runs before me wailing lamentations
Blink and you missed it,
the futuristic existence
From another plane I came and it'll never be the same
Naw it's better,
Hail the nappy heada Incision with precision
and I'm skinnee like stilletta
I'm beheading serpents this serpent-head medusa
Refusing to give in cause I'm living like Methusela
Fighting off your evil
as your mental's getting feeble
and you wobble like a weeble
Just chill,
Skinnee J's
raise the upheaval
Missed it on the first time,
now catch the sequel
Return of the new
and improved
and I'm smooth
Ain't nobody does it better,
here's the proof

Ain't no body, does it better,
ain't no body, does it better,
then J!

Ain't no body, does it better,
ain't no body, does it better,
then J!

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