Paroles de 'Honey To The Bee' par 2 Play

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Buzz me up to heaven baby
Come on, buzz me up to heaven

I've been missing you i should be kissing you
Honey to the bee that's you for me
I wouldn't tell a lie got a love i can't deny
Honey to the bee that's you for me
Honey to the bee that's you for me
Honey to the bee......

I close my eyes and i see you clear
It feels like you're lying here
All the things i want to say come and go
Easy as the breeze those words just flow

I float on air light as a feather
Your love so sweet like an open flower
I'm dizzy from the time we spent together
I need that honey drip every hour

I'm thinking about your sugar lips
Got a feeling for you now that's so strong
I'm dreaming of the candy in your finger tips
Baby don't stay away from me for too long

I've been missing you i should be kissing you
Honey to the bee that's you for me
I wouldn't tell a lie got a love i can't deny
Honey to the bee that's you for me
Honey to the bee that's you for me
Honey to the bee

Mmmm mmmm mmmm
Buzz me up to heaven baby
Mmmm mmmm mmmm
Ah ... alright
Come on, buzz me up to heaven

You make me smile though you're far away
I hear your voice like it was yesterday
All the things you do to make me feel so fine
I gotta tell the world about a love thats mine

These wings to fly are gonna last forever
Cos one by one my dreams come true
And i touch the sky whenever we're together
I can't believe the joy i get with you

I'm thinking about your sugar lips
Got a feeling for you now that's so strong
I'm dreaming of the candy in your finger tips
Baby don't stay away from me for too long

I've been missing you i should be kissing you
Honey to the bee that's you for me
I wouldn't tell a lie got a love i can't deny
Honey to the bee that's you for me

I've been missing you i should be kissing you
Honey to the bee that's you for me
I wouldn't tell a lie got a love i can't deny
Honey to the bee that's you for me
Honey to the bee that's you for me
Honey to the bee

(heaven) you're the only one who can get me there
(heaven) when you gonna hear my prayer...
(heaven) you're the only one who can get me there
(heaven) when you gonna hear my prayer, yeah?

I'm thinking about your sugar lips
Got a feeling for you now that's so strong
I'm dreaming of the candy in your finger tips
Baby don't stay away from me for too long

I've been missing you i should be kissing you
Honey to the bee that's you for me
Wouldn't tell a lie got a love i can't deny
Honey to the bee that's you for me

I've been missing you i should be kissing you
Honey to the bee that's you for me
Wouldn't tell a lie got a love i can't deny
Honey to the bee that's you for me

Honey to the bee that's you for me
Honey to the bee

Mmmm mmmm mmmm
Honey to the bee
Buzz me up to heaven baby
Mmmm mmmm mmmm
Cmon' buzz me up to heaven

Il existe de nombreuses raisons de vouloir connaître les paroles de Honey To The Bee de 2 Play.

La raison la plus courante de vouloir connaître les paroles de Honey To The Bee est que vous l'aimez beaucoup. Évident, n'est-ce pas ?

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Si votre motivation pour avoir recherché les paroles de la chanson Honey To The Bee était que vous l'adorez, nous espérons que vous pourrez profiter de la chanter.

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